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I can publish anything, but...

Posted on by qauqe@list.ru

In my blog, I can post just anything on any topic, even criticise blog.com policy.

Everyone can publish professional resume on superjob.ru. I did that, too. However censors at superjob.ru got anxious about my lack of recommendations and decided to correct my page: they created section "recommendations" and transferred part of text from another section, rudely breaking sentence and messing up my page. Those who saw the screwed up page could get an impression that I am unable to write a comprehensive text in my native language. Those who see the page now may wonder why section "recommendations" contains no recommendation at all.

Everyone can publish professional resume on hh.ru. If he agrees to publish his mobile phone to increase count of incoming spam. Or deceive potential employer by publishing stationary phone number instead (as I did). My page can not be found by majority of employers because site HeadHunter wants money for access to his online database.

So far, I failed to create a seen-by-everyone professional resume to my liking (containing information what I choose to publish, and in the order I choose).

I can publish anything, but the problem is that my publication is screwed up, or not seen by the right person.

PS. Sick with a heavy editor's itch, superjob.ru personnel decided to further edit my page, changing my job title. I noticed it when decided to slightly edit my resume. I changed back my job title and asked them to leave my page as it is, superjob employee Матвей Травкин responded by terminating access to my page and demanded that I edit it to his liking (giving more exact job title). I answered to this blackmail with a blackmail; mr Травкин agreed to publish my resume as-is; now (midday Aug 25) the resume is available again.

SuperJob.ru, I wish your personnel find a better thing to do, than spoil my ad.
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